Coronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tolls

The Coronavirus disease has hit the world hard with over 1.3million cases worldwide and 72,596 deaths according to figures tabled by the Coronavirus World meter and revealed by the World Health Organization.

As at today the death toll stands at 72,596 worldwide while 275,060 people have recovered.

Countries worst hit by the virus include the USA, Italy, China, Iran, Spain,France and UK and a host of other European and Asian nations.

Countries like Vietnam, Malta, Reunion, Faroe Islands, Guinea, Rwanda, Madagascar, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau,New Caledonia ,Equatorial Guinea, Namibia, Antigua and Barbuda, Mongolia have no deaths yet. Nigeria, Africa's largest country has 5 death cases .

See the full graphical representation below.
Coronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tolls
Coronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tolls
Coronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tolls
Coronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tolls
Coronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tolls
Coronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tollsCoronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tolls
Coronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tollsCoronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tolls
Coronavirus: See full list of Countries in the world with confirmed cases and their recovery/death tolls

Note: All figures are provided by the World Health Organization. The statistics are meant to change as time passes on as this only reflects the figures of Monday, 6th April 2020.

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